So the other day I was at work and we were standing in the cafeteria line. So a co-worker says to me, "Wow I just love your sisterlocks! When did you get them? I know you were natural for some time now, but your sisterlocks are really nice." Now I have worked with her several times in the past, because she either floated/worked on my floor or I went up to hers. For the past couple of years we both were natural but hair was never really the topic of our many pleasant & brief conversations. So I explained to her that what I had before was also sisterlocks. She just looked at me like..."really!" She just went on & on about how she's thinking about getting them.
Not only her but more & more people have said that they now like my sisterlocks, while not even knowing what I had before. I did not even know that they knew what sisterlocks even were. I am really amazed at how popular sisterlocks is becoming in this area!!! I am also shocked at the difference that is seen by the public b/c of the quality of my 2nd set of real sisterlocks.
From the doctors to the patients, the comments/compliments let me know that this is a new era of a hair revolution sweeping the nation. This is something unique and different, and the world recognizes those differences. It's really catching their eye. It's so much more than just a hairstyle it is truly a lifestyle and personally, a sincere commitment. But for those of us who have been through so much with our nappy, coily hair, feel something so much more than gratitude with each compliment. We feel free, real and simply true to our inner selves. What do you think about this new hair era? Is it just the popular thing to do or are people really grasping the seriousness behind the commitment to having natural hair?
レビュー電子ブック 薬学生・薬剤師のための英会話ハンドブック
5 years ago
I love your blog! In response to your question, I don't think it is a fad or popular thing but an awakening of our spirit. I feel that we are beginning to recognize our true beauty for the first time and realizing that it is OK to feel beautiful wearing our natural hair because it is indeed what God gave us.
In wearing my Sisterlocks, I feel more comfortable in my own skin than I have ever felt! When people comment or compliment my hair, I just smile and say Thank You! When my 'friends' question my decision, I just think to myself - they aren't ready yet...
But for me, this is the best decision I ever made!
I really believe that it is the beginning of a new era nothing temporary at all. I love the fact that women are beginning to love their hair for what is and also love the people who are understanding.
To: Evie- Thanks. I hope that we are really opening our minds & hearts to who we really are. I like what you said about feeling comfortable in your own skin. Trust me I understand.
To: V- I just hope that in a year or two the ones that have decided to go natural, don't lose patience within the various stages like I did in 2006 and go back to the relaxer. I hope that this huge wave of experiences with natural hair will end in a sincere awareness to love self and see that natural can also be beautiful.
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