From me to you: So we have been taught by Dr. Cornwell via, blog sites and of course our consultants that oil and sisterlocks do not mix. The thought of, "NO OILS" can be a big pill to swallow in itself, because so many are used to years of using mineral oils and its soothing comfort in a form better known as hair grease. Of course with traditional locks we see the use of beeswax, jojoba, advocado, and even olive oils to maintain its health, sheen and luster. But with sisterlocks initially and throughout our journey of growing them, sisterlock wearers do not use heavy oils in the hair. It also helps promote production of our natural oils if we can faithfully make it through the DRY STAGE of first having sisterlocks. Now eventually we may use hydrating sprays and such. But we do not primarily use heavy oils, petroleum and mineral bases like our fellow traditional locked brothers and sisters. Nothing to say about using oils is particulary my focus of any wrong doing. It’s just that for sisterlocks it would simply unravel its intricate crochet pattern in its early stage. I say that to say this… In order to remove my sisterlocks thus far, for my 2nd install I happened to run across a product that has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. It is called medicated un-braid spray, by Better Braids ®. Hopefully no one out there will have to go through what I have been through with having to loose their precious locks. But if so please consider this product to assist you in your effort. Because an extreme effort it is indeed. Now why does it claim to be medicated. It’s claim is based on the fact that it contains one of the most popular medications, salicylic acid. A lot of people may not be aware but salicylic acid is merely the generic word/form for aspirin. Just like acetaminophen is the generic word for Tylenol. We use aspirin with facials because it gently exfoliates the skin. It also preserves flowers and plants. And we can’t forget its most popular use for pain.
Taken from the site: Salicylic Acid, found in Better Braids® Medicated Unbraid, is a beta hydroxyl acid that helps to alleviate flaking and itching caused by certain conditions, including scaling associated with scalp psoriasis. It helps to condition & repair weak and damaged braids as it opens clogged pores and neutralizes bacteria within preventing reoccurrence and promotes new cell growth.
From me to you: *So just a tip for those of us who have experienced severe drying and itching (psoriasis), drop a crushed aspirin in your hydrating/water hair spray bottle. Also beta hydroxyl acids are much more gentle on the skin than alpha hydroxyl acids. It also evens and tones the skin when used in facial cleansers and astringents.
At A Glance
Better Braids® Medicated Unbraid
• Reduces braid (& lock) removal time by up to 50%=(VERY TRUE)
• Special blend of Avocado, Olive & Jojoba Oils helps to loosen and lift residue
• Contains Peppermint to help soothe the scalp
• Protects the hair and eases comb out
I use oils on my Sisterlocks on a regular and so does my consultant. I use Wen hair oils and I use Carol's Daughter Sheen Spray, CD Hair Milk, nd CD Hair Honey.....among others. This is the first time I heard of someone not using oils on SL's.
Using essential oils that do not come in the form of hair grease is very welcomed in the family of sisterlocks and traditional locks for that matter. When I was saying "in the form of hair grease," I meant that for so long, hair grease was in a HUGE way, and one of the MAIN ways to moisturize afro textured hair. The only problem with hair grease is that its base ingredient is mineral oil. The difference between essential oils and hair grease is that essential oils are light, airy and non-comodogenic. In other words, they do not clog the pores of the scalp and skin. But with most hair greases, they are pore clogging or comodogenic because their base ingredient is mineral oil or petroleum jelly. Knowing that everyones hair is different, I was advised by my consultant not to use any oils for the 1st 6 months because it may unravel my sisterlocks and cause slippage. After the first six months of maturing then I could introduce hydrating sprays, which contain essential oils. Examples of essential oils are lavender, peppermint, rose and even tea tree. Speaking of tea tree oil, remember when hair greases started raving and advertising the fact that it contained tea tree oil. Well that is because of its non-clogging factor. The fact that it does not clog the pores, in turn promotes a healthier scalp and of course healthier hair and an increase in growth. So I was probably not clear in my post. I hope this helps clear up any questions in what I was trying to point out. Just pay attention to the ingredients in the sheen sprays. Pretty much, anything that has a fragrant to it usually but not always is listed as an essential oil. So when I said everyone does not use oils, let's clear that up by saying HEAVY OILS OR HAIR GREASE. Using heavy oils or hair grease can cause heavy buildup in your beautiful locks too! :) Just be careful. Besides that YOUR hair is extremely soft. I can see that by just looking at it. So if your consultant is advising you and is aware of everything you are using, I am sure you are fine. My consultant is extremely picky. She is a stickler to ensuring that my daughter and I do not use heavy oils, that we do wear a satin cap every night or pillowcase, and that we braid and band when washing. And the list goes on and on. Thanks for your comment. And again I hope this helps and clears up any questions you may have had. :)
I wish I would have known about this product before taking down my hubby's interlocks. Boy was that experience not fun, especially the 2nd time around, lol.
Hello Ms. Butterfly, have you had your second set of Sisterlocks installed yet? I'm sorry your first set did not turn out the way you would have liked them too....
Please post pics....I would love to see the new babies.
Blessings Ms L
To: V, hopefully you won't have to use that product on your husband or anyone for that matter. It's helpful but the ordeal of loosing locks is a nightmare. To: everyone Keep on locking on. :) Beautiful blogs by the way! Seriously
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