Monday, August 17, 2009

Out of Commission...

Hey everyone! I apologize that I have been out of commission for a while, but there has been a WHOLE lot going on good and bad. I will start with the good news first, my sisterlocks are coming along well. I took some pics a couple of weeks ago and will post later. We found out in March that we are expecting a baby in November. We were shocked, excited, grateful and... just amazed at how this was definately meant to be!!! I keep having strange dreams that my hair is coming out in clumps. You can always expect crazy dreams during pregnancy. It was more like a nightmare!!!
As for the bad news today is August 17, 2009 and would have been my father's 78th birthday. Fortunatly my mother and I were able to sit with him, pray, read scriptures, wash his feet, provide oral care, hold his hands and tell him how much we love and care about him. Unfortunately while we did so we saw my father take his last breath and die yesterday 8-16-09 at about 10:57 a.m. He was in a nursing home and has been battling bouts of pneumonia since this past January. He was an excellent father and I was always his "Daddy's Tigger!" He will be sadly missed by many. My mother is 10 years younger than him, but I look at her now with extra caution and care. My father was so precious, he was dear, he was truly my daddy and friend! For those of you who pray, please keep me and my family in your prayers. Much love... Lock on!!!]


Lalaboobaby said...

Sorry to hear about your dad. Losing a loved one is never easy. Cherish the wonderful memories.

God blesss.

new2locs said...

It's good to see you're back & nice to hear the wonderful news of a baby! I'm sorry that your father will not be there to see your wonderful bundle of joy when he or she arrives. I know what it's like to lose your dad. My dad passed away this past January & I still feel the sting of him being gone. Just keep praying. I will not say it will get easier but nobody can rock us like Jesus can. Be Blessed