So far in this journey I have ran into people who have complimented my Sisterlocks, and others who really don't know what to say. I am appreciative of any compliment but I really am not moved by any nay-sayers. No matter what people say, those of us who have committed to natural hair are not moved by their lack of understanding why we go natural. At the same time I hope to inspire those who may be interested in going natural, but just feel like they can't take that step. It is definately a decision that you have to be comitted to. If not, you may not fully embrace it and therefore you may not stick with the journey. My hair has been touched, gently pulled on, and looked through by friends and inquisitive strangers. I am glad to know that they are curious!
Well anyway I had a conversation with a dear friend of mine who started out by complimenting my locks. She explained that she did not feel they would look good on her. She was also not satisfied with the cute haircut that she had. She wanted it to look exactly like another individual's haircut. Now I don't know if she didn't realize it or not, but that individual was of a different persuasion. HELLO. She naturally had STRAIGHT hair, without any chemicals. Therefore dyes and highlights were as easy as coloring eggs, because it was being applied to natural hair. She could not seem to understand why her hair could not look like this other lady's haircut. I wanted to just stare at her hoping that she would play rewind in her own mind, but I realized it would not have mattered. She was taken to a place called, OUT THERE SOMEWHERE, where bone straight hair was the only "ACCEPTABLE" way to wear your hair. We have had talks before and I was really not in the mood to talk to a wall, or to become one myself. So I started out slowly by saying, that is how her hair naturally lays without any relaxers or serious manipulation besides maybe a blowdryer. I explained all that she had to go through in order for her own hair to be straight. The damage from chemicals, thinning, burning, irritation, breakage and so much more. Yet still she was not satisfied with it. I really thought her haircut was cute. I explained to her how it seems that as soon as her beautiful roots came up out of her scalp she was saying to herself and God, "I am not happy with the way I was created let me change it to look like your other creations." That saying is something that really stuck with me personally as I have made my decision to go natural. I went on to explain that makeup and wardrobe can easily be washed off and removed and how both are worn for protection and enhancement i, but chemically altering your hair is permanent damage. I told her how I became interested in going natural. It was something that I was interested in since the summer of 1996. I was searching and wondering what our Creator's intentions were for us to look like naturally. Just think, we were not born with a box perm in our hands, makeup or clothing for that matter. Of course like I forestated makeup and clothing can EASILY COME OFF, but not a relaxer. Now if our hair would just go natural IT WILL LOCK ON ITS OWN. Mmmmm... interesting! So everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way. Sometimes, as ladies we struggle with seeing our own beauty, whether it's from our hearts or outer appearance. I know that I struggled with that and still seek the Lord's strength in those areas. Knowing that on the inside is where true beauty comes from, is the beginning to truly getting to know who you are. So I encouraged her to embrace herself... completely! Let me ask you,the reader a question, what inspired you to go natural? And for those of you who are not, what is holding you back? Please don't be afraid to be the you that you were created to be. No matter what, it is your choice . I look forward to reading your comments.:)
レビュー電子ブック 薬学生・薬剤師のための英会話ハンドブック
5 years ago
I went natural because I was tired of my hair breaking from relaxers. ONe day I got fed up and just cut it all of. I had a fade and although there were rough patches I really learned to love and accept me for me. I kept it short for sometime and began to let it grow out. When I saw the true curly shoft texture of my hair I was surprised and in love with it. I've never looked back and that was 3 years ago. I cut it a lot but I wont go back to perming it. My hair is stronger, way thicker even when I blow it out and press it which isnt often and just overall healthier than it ever was when I got relaxers.
Hey Lady Butterfly, first of all....You are so photogenic..You take beautiful pictures, and your locs look so good. I know your consultant took a long time with the process, but she did a very good job. It is not as easy as it looks, believe me. I enjoy reading your journey, and wonderful to know, that Christ is such a big part of your life..You are not only my sister in the Sisterlock "hood", but also in the body of Christ....Keep those beautiful pictures of your locs coming. Blessings,
Wow, what an awesome comment Ms. L. Thank you so much for the encouragement and compliments. It is good to know when you have a deeper connection and that is the love of Jesus Christ. As far as SL's are concerned, I really wanted people to see how thin my edges are due to damage from relaxers, styling and wearing my hair pulled taut. Hopefully when my hair grows back and fills in I will able to have the edges locked too. Ms. Kay I love your confidence. One day I will have to post my experience on going natural for three years and then unfortunately going back to the relaxer. I look forward to viewing both of your sites and developments of SL's. Much Love and Lock On!
The most convincing reason I went natural was because I read a book called No Lye. Before reading I always thought my hair was unhealthy becuase I was doing something wrong. I wasn't conditioning enough, too much heat, too much color and too much manipulation. It never dawned on me that it was because I was literally changing the chemical structure of my hair and therefore weakening it. After that it was simply a matter of becoming comfortable with the thought of wearing kinky hair and the style that would best fit. Educating myself about my hair was such an eye opening experience. I don't regret a minute of it and there is no way I would ever go back to a relaxer.
Hi Lady-B,
Everyones comments are inspiring! [Kay, Ms. L, Phoenix]
I see you are in nursing - I think it's the most 'loc'd up' profession of all - at least here in the ATL!
Keep blogging from SC! [my mom is was born in Columbia and my dad's people are from the low country!]
Your hair looks great...I love my natural hair...I've had some times of uncertainty, (did the big chop 4 times!) but now that I'm more mature I realize what caused me to perm my hair time and time again...only to end up natural once more...I love it!
Great blog.
It's amazing to read why everyone decided to go natural. The only thing that stumps me about those that will not go natural, is how can they not see the freedom & beauty in just loving/accepting their natural hair ?/! It's as if they are ashamed and disgusted with their natural hair. On the positive side I see more and more people, even this year that have decided to go natural. So we must continue to spread the love, knowledge, and represent natural hair in a way that will hopefully catch that potential eye of another future naturalist. I sincerely appreciate everyone's comments. I was trying to wait to see if anyone else wanted to share their story. It means a lot, when you realize that everyone has mainly the same true experiences of healthier hair, loving/accepting their natural hair, and realizing the damaging effects of chemicals. So again thank you for your comments. It was very interesting and encouraging to read everyone's experiences!
I went natural for many reasons. The first was my Mom went natural when I was in high school and there was guy I had a crush on who said, "I think you would look nice with your natural hair." I remeber the first day I wore my hair in bantu knots, I sure got noticed that day. It was liberating! I came to the conclusion of why should I keep fighting something that is going to keep coming back anyway? I love my hair and locking is the best decision I've made to date.
Wow it's still good to see that people are still leaving comments to this post. Hopefully someone who is curios/interested in going natural will be inspired by it. It still helps me as well as my daughter see the beauty in this decision to embrace what people constantly try to COVER UP and fight against. Thanks again to everyone for stopping by and LOCK ON my fellow butterflies! :)
Love your make-up in this pic!
Thanks Joyful Lockin'. I used to be a makeup artist for a living. I still find myself having fun and giving tips to family and friends. :)
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