Why did I choose the name, "Lady Butterfly." Well simply because that is how I view the journey we call life. We are all in our very own specific stage of growth and development. Not always does it feel good or comfortable, but we must know that it is for our good. In other words, the pain, the trials, and the triumph are all a part of who we are and will become. God has allowed our metamorphic state to nurture us, (if we allow it to) teach us, mature us, grow us and show us who He created us to be. Of course we may not feel that those things we go through are necessary, but it is. If only we could see ourselves as the finished product of what God is trying to show us of who we really are in Him. Unfortunately, we will never really be... finished - of His work on our lives. This Potter, our Creator is constantly working on our flaws, imperfections, doubts, fears, and insecurities. Hoping that one day we will be able to let go and trust Him to finish the work that He has started in us. So I encourage you in the Lord, to stay in your cocoon. Don't emerge before your time. Your wings just may not be finished yet. Your journey may require a wider span than your neighbors wings. Or He may want you to just show the beautiful colors of your past and your story that He has painted to exemplify the unique you that you are. So if life has you in a situation where you don't feel your best. Be encouraged to know that His word says in Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the thoughts that I think toward you saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.
So wait, my beautiful butterfly, wait on your expected end.
I love the way you express yourself. I enjoyed this blog. :)
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